Logie Old Graveyard Group SCIO
   Charity No. SC049006
This is a small sample of gravestones within the graveyard. Every stone has been photographed and the names or initials have been recorded on a data base, and eventually we hope to add names to the initials
These are pictures of some of the grave stones within the graveyard.There are 360 grave stones which have all been photographed and recorded on a data base. Each grave stone has been recorded on an A4 sheet along with all the information carved on the stone, a note of the emblems and the condition of the gravestone. The earliest stone is dated 1598 but there are also two Viking Hog back stones dating from around 1080.
If you have or think you have a connection with the old Kirk  WE can use our data base to find out if there is a grave stone which could be of your ancestor's. We have over 200 grave stones with only a date and initials and we are constantly researching these initials through records. So far we have identified about 15% of the names. The difficult part is that the date of death does not always tie in with the date on the gravestone or the purchase of the lair and so many stones have the same lettering and date but the research goes on. 
A sample of Gravestones